Please Tell Us Your Preference for the Bootcamp

Please complete the form’s information below. The more detailed, the more our team can help you get the bootcamp format you’d prefer.

  • How many hours long would you want 1 session to be?
  • So we understand best times to schedule the live bootcamp sessions.
  • Based on your answers above, how much would you be willing to pay for the GFA ONLINE bootcamp program
  • This is an open section for you to write any kind of feedback (probably the most helpful part)
    I'm new to Asia and Michael provided me with valuable insights and advice about getting my business off the ground.Joshua Steimle, Forbes Hong Kong
    Whether you are new to China or a vet, Mike should be your go-to guy for advice on market entry, connecting with the right people, and figuring out how to make things happen fast!Brandon King, Smart Intern China
    “Ever wished you had a best friend who knew the ins and outs of doing international businesses through HK? Well now you do (sort of). Maybe he isn’t actually your friend but he will at least make you feel like it. Michael’s podcasts are a true no-BS casual conversation about the questions and answers we are all looking for when starting a HK company. And you’ve got a seat at the table. So pull up a chair, listen up, and enjoy feeling more at ease about doing it big in Asia.”Scott Hardman, entrepreneur, USA

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    Please Tell Us Your Preference for the BootcampPlease complete the form’s information below. The more detailed, the more our team can help you get the bootcamp format you’d prefer.

    What best describes you?StudentEcommerce seller – International MarketEcommerce seller – China marketB2B brand ownerService ProviderMarketing consultantotherWhat is your primary goal if you were to attend an ONLINE GFA eventI am not interested to attend eventsLearn / Improve SkillsNetwork / Make connectionsSell my products to othersSell my service to othersOtherWhat is your ideal length of a GFA ONLINE bootcamp session1 hour2 hours3 hours3 hours, 1 hour break, 3 hours6 straight hoursOtherHow many hours long would you want 1 session to be?What timezone are you on (your country / region)So we understand best times to schedule the live bootcamp sessions.What Time Of Day Do You PreferNot sureMy morningsMy afternoonsMy eveningsAny time is OKWhat topic is your number 1 choiceMaking Business ConnectionsOptimizing Seller Central, ListingsPPC / Paid Ads (Amazon / Facebook)Manufacturing / Product DevelopmentLogistics / Taxes / CorporateSEO / Website MarketingChina Marketing / WechatOtherWhat level would you want the bootcamp to be?Beginner / Newbie to businessExperienced in B2B, but new to Amazon / B2CMedium level, already selling but want to growExperienced, I want to break through to a new levelShould this be online, or in person?Online onlyIn person onlyOnline workshops in advance, in-person for main sessionsStream online during the live eventIn person but have professionally recorded and edited recordings afterWhat is your budget for the criteria you selected?Zero, it should be free (not willing to pay)$47 US dollar per session$97 US dollar per session$497 US dollar per session$997 US dollar per sessionAbove $997 US dollarsBased on your answers above, how much would you be willing to pay for the GFA ONLINE bootcamp programAny specific feedback?This is an open section for you to write any kind of feedback (probably the most helpful part)(optional) Name



    (optional) Email

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