Complete The Survey

Please complete the survey for our research report on the US/China trade war. If you’d like to read the details, check our blog post here.

  • About You

    For the survey results, we would like to show what kind of business owners completed the survey in the data.
  • This is for trade war purposes, as it involves Chinese and American policies.
  • How much of your revenue is based on China products into USA
  • Trade War Survey

    Now let's hear your insights and input.
  • Some we have talked to, even though it will hurt their business, believe it is necessary. What do you think?
  • What have you done so far?
  • Will these trade tariffs and trade war policies
  • Now it is your time to write any kind of insights or data you'd like to share. Things that didn't fit in the boxes above that we can add to our research.
  • If you'd like us to email you the results of this survey once they are finished, as well as get updated from Global From Asia news, fill you email here.
    I'm new to Asia and Michael provided me with valuable insights and advice about getting my business off the ground.Joshua Steimle, Forbes Hong Kong
    Whether you are new to China or a vet, Mike should be your go-to guy for advice on market entry, connecting with the right people, and figuring out how to make things happen fast!Brandon King, Smart Intern China
    “Ever wished you had a best friend who knew the ins and outs of doing international businesses through HK? Well now you do (sort of). Maybe he isn’t actually your friend but he will at least make you feel like it. Michael’s podcasts are a true no-BS casual conversation about the questions and answers we are all looking for when starting a HK company. And you’ve got a seat at the table. So pull up a chair, listen up, and enjoy feeling more at ease about doing it big in Asia.”Scott Hardman, entrepreneur, USA

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    Complete The SurveyPlease complete the survey for our research report on the US/China trade war. If you’d like to read the details, check our blog post here.

    About YouFor the survey results, we would like to show what kind of business owners completed the survey in the data.What Best Describes The Business You're In?*I don't do business, I'm retired/student/unemployedExport from China B2C ecommerce seller, Amazon sellerImport to China B2C ecommerce seller, Taobao/Tmall/JDB2B brand owner, distributorManufacturer, Factory, DesignService Provider, Consultant in the industryWhat Is Your BackgroundPrefer Not To SayChineseAmericanNot Chinese or AmericanThis is for trade war purposes, as it involves Chinese and American policies.Percent of your business on this trade war?0%, None1% – 25%25% – 50%50% – 75%75% – 100%How much of your revenue is based on China products into USATrade War SurveyNow let’s hear your insights and input.Do you agree with / support the US trade tariffs?No, this is stupidYes, China needs to changeNot sure, I do think it is a needed discussionSome we have talked to, even though it will hurt their business, believe it is necessary. What do you think?How are you reacting to the trade war tariffs?*Nothing, what can I do?I'm taking actionWhat have you done so far?How Are You Taking Action?

    Increasing my prices

    Pushing my factory to give me lower prices

    Finding suppliers outside of China

    Considering closing this business

    Concentrate on selling products not on the tariff list

    Concentrate on selling to other countries
    Which type of person will be most affected by this?American consumersChinese factoriesChinese e-commerce, Amazon sellersNon-Chinese e-commerce, Amazon sellersImporters to China (foreigners selling to China)Will these trade tariffs and trade war policies Your Open InputNow it is your time to write any kind of insights or data you’d like to share. Things that didn’t fit in the boxes above that we can add to our research.Email (optional)

    If you’d like us to email you the results of this survey once they are finished, as well as get updated from Global From Asia news, fill you email here.

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